Friday, October 19, 2007

Me and my two best friends. I'm the one in the middle.

Guardian Angel

In March 2004, it was a warm sunny day with no clouds just the beautiful blue sky there was just a little cool breeze here and there, and it would seem that it would be a great day filled with laughter but instead it was filled with tears. There was a terrible accident that happened in my home. My youngest Brother Shawn, who was four years old at the time, had fallen from our two story house window onto the cement. No one knew at the time until my other Brother Sam noticed that he was gone because he was in the room when my little brother fell. So that’s when chaos broke out.
That morning I woke up really early around eight o’clock, I went to wash my face and brush my teeth then I got dressed to go have breakfast with a couple of my friends. While enjoying breakfast I got a call from my Sister Fey and she was crying hysterically and telling me that something bad had happened. My first reactions was that I didn’t believe her because she’s always playing around and fake crying all the time, so I didn’t believe her. Then a couple of seconds later my oldest Sister Meuy calls me and tells me the same thing, and that’s when I knew that something was wrong because she never calls me unless it was urgent. So I had my friend Lai rushed home quickly.
When I arrived I saw the ambulance, the police, tons of family members, friends, and neighbors surrounding my house. Then I saw my Stepfather covered in blood from head to toe, and that’s when I was very worried that my brother might not make it because he had lost a lot of blood. Next thing I see the paramedics rolling my brother down the steps from my house, so that’s when I ran to him crying. He was still conscious and crying saying sorry, that’s when I started crying even harder and I told him that it’s not his fault and that he’s going to be alright, but in the back of my mind I wasn’t sure but I was praying to God that he’ll be ok. I wanted to ride with him to the hospital because I wanted to be there with him to make him feel safe, but the paramedics wouldn’t allow it. I was very upset that I didn’t get to ride with him there, but I got over it and rushed to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital I had to fill out some paper work, but I finished it in about less than two minutes because I was rushing to go see my brother. Then the nurse let me into the emergency room because he was asking for me. When I walked in I burst out in tears just seeing all the blood that he had lost, and he was crying, saying that everywhere hurts. I was only allowed to stay with him for a little bit because they had to run him through a lot of tests to see if there were any broken bones or any brain damage. So I waited a couple of hours until a doctor came out to talk to my parents, my parents didn’t speak English, so I had to translate. The doctor said that he had a broke arm, some broken fingers, and that he might have brain damage because the fall left a hole in his brain and maybe in time the hole with fill up but they didn’t know for sure. That was very bad news to my family, but at least he was alright.
The doctor then said that we could see him if we wanted to now because he was stable. So the whole family went to see him, and when we walked in he was smiling covered in dry tears. We were all so happy to see him and to see that he was alright. I stayed with him over night because my parents had to work and take care of some business, and I didn’t have school, so I stayed with him. That day was a Sunday and my family had plans to take the children out to the river, but tragedy stroke and their trip was canceled. It was supposed to be a happy day not a sad one, but sometimes you don’t expect things to happen but they do.